Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Gay marriage backers: NY vote has national impact

Google: 500,000 Android devices activated each day | ZDNet

What Do You Love? Google Knows. - NYTimes.com
What do you love?

Hackers Gone Mild: 6 Rebels Turned Insiders - PC Advisor

Astronomers: Incoming Near-Miss Asteroid Calculations Wrong

Raise Your Glass: 10 Intoxicating Beer Facts | Benefits of Beer | Hangovers & St. Patrick's Day, Oktoberfest | LiveScience

Russian Astronomer: Humans Will Encounter Aliens In 20 Years

Anonymous takes down Orlando site; promises more there daily

Former PlayStation 3, iPhone hacker gets a job at Facebook

Sony's Stringer Takes Pay Cut as Profit Drops - WSJ.com

New DLC - IGN: Brink Screenshots

Zen Pinball: Sorcerer’s Lair (DLC) on PlayStation 3 Review - PushSquare.com

Microsoft uncovers scary virus - You have to reinstall your OS if you catch it | TechEye

Trickling information about the Adventure Update : Minecraft 1.8
Already implemented are new complex terrain features, at least one new mob, some interesting new combat mechanics, a new lighting engine, and some experimental new gameplay ideas. To come is more interesting farming, bigger incentives to explore, and npc villages.

Up to eleven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LulzSec Over, Release Battlefield Heroes Data

Electronic Arts hack: Customer info stolen from BioWare unit

YouTube - Call of Duty Black Ops Annihilation Zombies In the Jungle Trailer [HD]

Woman accused of spraying cops with breast milk
Poopy peeper explains why he's not a perv

Monk & a Gal with her Ipod - Twitpic

Monday, June 06, 2011

E3 & Tablet

Watching a bit of the E3 MS xbox stream. Very thin one the first oarty hardcore, but tons of casual crap.

Running the launcher ex launcher on my tablet with a few widgets.  I'm really enjoying it so far.

From Random-Abstract.com

Sunday, June 05, 2011

test post from my new android tablet

I'm using the blogger mobile app  with the voice recognition software on my new android tablet.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

On my move away from iTunes and my ipod to Open Source & Android I realized I needed a program to keep track of various podcasts I follow. iTunes had a real issue with multiple PCs and one iPod and it is just a horrible program in general to run on windows computers. Try one called Juice, but it did like some of the feeds I fed it. gPodder and it's website seem to do the job in replace iTunes for podcast subscriptions.

gPodder, a free podcast aggregator for Linux, Windows
gPodder.net - Podcast Webservice

MSI To Fight iPad 2 With $299 10-inch Android Tablet | ITProPortal

Patent Firm Fires Lawsuit at Android, iPhone Programmers | Wired.com
DroidDream authors again pollute Android Market - PC Advisor

Red Faction: Armageddon Review, Red Faction: Armageddon PS3 Review - GameSpot.com 8.0
Red Faction: Armageddon Review - PlayStation 3 Review at IGN 7

Red Faction: Armageddon review | Games Radar.com 7

Red Faction: Armageddon Video Review (Xbox 360) - GameSpot Video

Candice Boucher Naked GQ Photo Shoot for Playboy Magazine April 2010 [NSFW] via SE