Wednesday, November 16, 2011

U.S. reserves right to meet cyber attack with force | Reuters

Firewall Law Could Infringe on Free Speech -
Google, Facebook, Zynga oppose new SOPA copyright bill | Privacy Inc. - CNET News
Sopa condemned by web giants as 'internet blacklist bill'

BBC News - Computer gamers' brains 'differ'

Smart thinking can be learned -

New study suggests autism starts in the womb - Blogs

PlayStation Network Going Down for Half a Day

Facebook warns of recent wave of spam - Washington Times
Facebook said Wednesday that it has stopped most of the spam that has flooded many users’ pages with pictures showing graphic sex and violence.

Sony Considers Internet Rival to Cable TV -

5 killer features on the Kindle Fire that you won’t find on the iPad

Minecraft Comes to iPhone Tomorrow - iPhone News at IGN

Europe Bans X-Ray Body Scanners Used at U.S. Airports: Scientific American

Secret Service says bullets hit White House, cracked safety glass window on residential level

Saints Row: The Third's Best New Musical Feature
Radio Stations in Saints Row: The Third

Review Showdown 2011: Which Games Reigned Supreme? - GameInformer

Boxee Box Live TV dongle shipping for $49 in January 2012, pre-orders open today -- Engadget Bejeweled 2: Appstore for Android FREE Today!

Crazy Russian 5-story roof jumps into snow - YouTube

Teacher's Been Masturbating Behind the Podium This Whole Time
-via Jesus Needs New PR & Christian Nightmares

perversome - LJ [NSFW]
Dashi's - LJournal [cool/Crazy/NWSFW]