Monday, January 30, 2012

Public Or Private: Keeping Google From Being 'Evil' : NPR

Rhode Island City Enraged Over School Prayer Lawsuit -

In the weeks since, residents have crowded school board meetings to demand an appeal, Jessica has received online threats and the police have escorted her at school, and Cranston, a dense city of 80,000 just south of Providence, has throbbed with raw emotion.

"Rhode Island is the nation’s most Catholic state"

Tennessee Restaurant Throws Out Anti-Gay Lawmaker

Walnuts shrink prostate tumors in mice

Tyler Clementi’s Suicide and Dharun Ravi’s Trial : The New Yorker

Brockovich reps ordered off school grounds –

Stacey Irvine, 17, collapses after eating only McDonald's chicken nuggets since age 2 | Mail Online