Insanity: CISPA Just Got Way Worse, And Then Passed On Rushed Vote
House OKs cybersecurity bill despite veto threat
CISPA "is absolutely ludicrous insanity. The minds behind this in Congress should be forced to resign, immediately -- they are acting in the interests of weird lobbying groups and defense contractors."
How CISPA would affect you (FAQ)
CCP: players' attempt to destroy Eve Online economy is "f***ing brilliant" • News •
Dynamic battlefields in DUST 514 ensure maps will constantly change | VG247
Kindle Fire Dominates U.S. Android Tablet Sales | PCWorld
Social And Gaming Mobile Apps Are Now Neck-And-Neck For Time Spent On Android, iOS
Analytical thinking erodes belief in God
New particle found at CERN!
At 92, Movie Bootlegger Is Soldiers’ Hero - NYTimes
90s were better Clinton meme | quickmeme
Reddit Women Are Getting Naked for Bitcoins
Sony confirms crossover brawler -
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale for PS3 - Youtube
Skyrim DLC detailed in patch files: Snow elves & crossbows
Woman Kills Man By Squeezing His Testicles
Can You Die If Someone Squeezes Your Testicles Hard Enough? (YES)
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Are We Sliding Backward on Teaching Evolution?
Tennessee ‘monkey bill’ becomes law
The Non-Geek's Guide to CISPA, the Cybersecurity Bill The Internet is Freaking Out Over
The White House makes a formal veto threat against CISPA
Obama 'Slow Jams The News' With Jimmy Fallon (VIDEO)
Forrester: Tablets expected to supplant laptops by 2016
Nexon interested in buying EA -
Astronomers identify three extrasolar planets
Remnants of Sunday fireball likely some of the oldest in the universe
Cosmos Will Get a Sequel Hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson | Wired
MIT researchers find a way to make glass that’s anti-fogging, self-cleaning and free of glare
Spotify Developing a Pandora-Like Radio Service [REPORT]
July 9: Doomsday for Your PC or Mac If It Has This Malware
Fifty Shades of Grey thrusts erotica into the mainstream | Books |
Privacy Advocates Slam Google Drive's Privacy Policies - Slashdot
Scarlett Johansson Nude Photo Scandal: Newsmakers: GQ
Researchers claim breakthrough: Tiny crystal that acts like a quantum computer
Sports data help confirm theory explaining left-handed minority in general population
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Hugh Hefner: GOP 'war against sex'
And I heard it when Rush Limbaugh called a Georgetown University law student a ‘slut’ and a ‘prostitute’ after she testified on Capitol Hill about allowing employers to avoid providing contraception for religious reasons. … Fifty years of sexual freedom vanished in a sound bite.”
Why Jon Huntsman is leaving the GOP (not because they’re Communists)
Maine named most peaceful state in America
Hackers turn MIT building into giant Tetris game | CNET
Astronomers said Wednesday they had found a cluster of galaxies 12.72 billion light-years away from Earth
Vast Structure of Satellite Galaxies Discovered: Do the Milky Way’s Companions Spell Trouble for Dark Matter?
Dark Matter Hits the Average Human Once a Minute?
China deletes accounts on Twitter-like service as part of social media crackdown
Why Everybody's Wrong About the G-Spot
Another Day, Another Guy Says He’s Found the G-Spot
Former Fox News Mole Joe Muto Searched By DA's Office Over Fox News Mole-ing
Here's The Search Warrant Delivered To Fox Mole's Apartment This Morning
Battlefield dev working on new IP - GameSpot
Prototype 2 Review • Reviews • Eurogamer
Aliens Colonial Marines - preview
And I heard it when Rush Limbaugh called a Georgetown University law student a ‘slut’ and a ‘prostitute’ after she testified on Capitol Hill about allowing employers to avoid providing contraception for religious reasons. … Fifty years of sexual freedom vanished in a sound bite.”
Why Jon Huntsman is leaving the GOP (not because they’re Communists)
Maine named most peaceful state in America
Hackers turn MIT building into giant Tetris game | CNET
Astronomers said Wednesday they had found a cluster of galaxies 12.72 billion light-years away from Earth
Vast Structure of Satellite Galaxies Discovered: Do the Milky Way’s Companions Spell Trouble for Dark Matter?
Dark Matter Hits the Average Human Once a Minute?
China deletes accounts on Twitter-like service as part of social media crackdown
Why Everybody's Wrong About the G-Spot
Another Day, Another Guy Says He’s Found the G-Spot
Former Fox News Mole Joe Muto Searched By DA's Office Over Fox News Mole-ing
Here's The Search Warrant Delivered To Fox Mole's Apartment This Morning
Battlefield dev working on new IP - GameSpot
Prototype 2 Review • Reviews • Eurogamer
Aliens Colonial Marines - preview
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Cispa cybersecurity bill opposed by Obama administration
CISPA concerns spread in Congress
Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Drive... yes, really
Google Drive: It's slick, integrated... CNET
Netflix adds 1.7 million customers despite losing Starz movies
Nah, Iran Probably Didn’t Hack CIA’s Stealth Drone
Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel
Plans for asteroid mining emerge
Apple Found to Violate One Patent on Android Phones - Bloomberg
Facebook for Android version 1.9 is out
NimbleTV will deliver users' TV channels online, anywhere, on any device - TechSpot
A little gender experiment confirms that Reddit is full of douchebags
Norway mass-shooting trial reopens debate on violent video games
5 Reasons MST3K's Joel Is Better than Mike and 5 Reasons Mike Is Better than Joel*
CISPA concerns spread in Congress
Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Drive... yes, really
Google Drive: It's slick, integrated... CNET
Netflix adds 1.7 million customers despite losing Starz movies
Nah, Iran Probably Didn’t Hack CIA’s Stealth Drone
Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel
Plans for asteroid mining emerge
Apple Found to Violate One Patent on Android Phones - Bloomberg
Facebook for Android version 1.9 is out
NimbleTV will deliver users' TV channels online, anywhere, on any device - TechSpot
A little gender experiment confirms that Reddit is full of douchebags
Norway mass-shooting trial reopens debate on violent video games
5 Reasons MST3K's Joel Is Better than Mike and 5 Reasons Mike Is Better than Joel*
Monday, April 23, 2012
Five hundred new fairytales discovered in Germany
German rules against YouTube in rights case
Ahead of the Bell: Netflix to unveil 1Q results
DARPA's HTV-2 aircraft test flight failed due to heat stresses at Mach 20 | The Verge
Valve's Newell explains company silence on the next Half-Life
BBC News - Sri Lanka Muslims decry radical Buddhist mosque attack
FU Television

All the NSFW links are horrible injuries instead of naked people. : firstworldproblems
German rules against YouTube in rights case
Ahead of the Bell: Netflix to unveil 1Q results
DARPA's HTV-2 aircraft test flight failed due to heat stresses at Mach 20 | The Verge
Valve's Newell explains company silence on the next Half-Life
BBC News - Sri Lanka Muslims decry radical Buddhist mosque attack
FU Television
All the NSFW links are horrible injuries instead of naked people. : firstworldproblems
Friday, April 20, 2012
Diablo® III Open Beta Weekend - Diablo III
In Dust 514 PlayStation 3 Armies Will Do Jobs For PC Players, Until It's Time For a Double-Cross
DUST 514's microtransactions inspired by League of Legends | VG247
Android, Java, and the tech behind Oracle v. Google (FAQ) | CNET News
PixelJunk 4AM Gets Beta, Release Date - PlayStation 3 News at IGN
jonathan hobin: in the playroom
Hendrik Kerstens
Health warning over banned metal used in new 5p and 10p coins - Scotsman
In Dust 514 PlayStation 3 Armies Will Do Jobs For PC Players, Until It's Time For a Double-Cross
DUST 514's microtransactions inspired by League of Legends | VG247
Android, Java, and the tech behind Oracle v. Google (FAQ) | CNET News
PixelJunk 4AM Gets Beta, Release Date - PlayStation 3 News at IGN
jonathan hobin: in the playroom
Hendrik Kerstens
Health warning over banned metal used in new 5p and 10p coins - Scotsman
Thursday, April 19, 2012
First Wave of DUST 514 Beta Keys Rolling Out
ISK: FREE Industrial-Sized Knowledgebase
CCP shows off seven years of DUST 514 skill training | Massively
The Most Annoying Android Apps - Computerworld
New Bill in the UK wants internet to be censored from porn by default
Picture of Afghan Girl screaming after suicide bombing wins Pulitzer Prize
Google's Page says Android important, not critical | Reuters
A Few Good Women: Marines Open Infantry to Females
Fifty Shades Of Grey Not That Great, Admits Author of Fifty Shades Of Grey
Abstinence-Only Sex Ed Teaches Teens that Sluts Are Like Dirty Glasses Full of Chewed Up Food
The Ten Scariest Places to Have Ladyparts in America
ISK: FREE Industrial-Sized Knowledgebase
CCP shows off seven years of DUST 514 skill training | Massively
The Most Annoying Android Apps - Computerworld
New Bill in the UK wants internet to be censored from porn by default
Picture of Afghan Girl screaming after suicide bombing wins Pulitzer Prize
Google's Page says Android important, not critical | Reuters
A Few Good Women: Marines Open Infantry to Females
Fifty Shades Of Grey Not That Great, Admits Author of Fifty Shades Of Grey
Abstinence-Only Sex Ed Teaches Teens that Sluts Are Like Dirty Glasses Full of Chewed Up Food
The Ten Scariest Places to Have Ladyparts in America
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Secret Service looking into Ted Nugent violent anti-Obama message
Google lawyer trips Oracle CEO Ellison in court - Boing Boing
YouTube hiring for next-gen console app integration [update] | Joystiq
Apple and Samsung Agree To Settlement Talks - Slashdot
Google planning Moto-powered Android iPhone attack tip insiders - SlashGear
Vacationland: Rural Maine Chronicled in the Photography of Steven Rubin - LightBox
City Helps Fulfill Sick Kid's Dream Of Becoming Batman For A Day
DUST 514 preview - Shacknews
Dr Who Game Getting Physical UK Release - IGN
Planetary Interaction Guide - EVE Online
Planetary interaction (CCP guide) - EVElopedia
Planetary Interaction - UniWiki
Most profitable PI - Science & Industry - EVE Online Forums
EVE Online Wormholes: Final EVE Planetary Interaction Products
Producing POS fuels with PI | Aeon's EVE
Resistance Is Useless (Doctor Who Documentary 1992) - Video Dailymotion
The Settlers Online - Free city-building online strategy browser game | Home page
Budlight Gay Ad | Flickr
Anti-Joke Chicken meme | quickmeme
Google lawyer trips Oracle CEO Ellison in court - Boing Boing
YouTube hiring for next-gen console app integration [update] | Joystiq
Apple and Samsung Agree To Settlement Talks - Slashdot
Google planning Moto-powered Android iPhone attack tip insiders - SlashGear
Vacationland: Rural Maine Chronicled in the Photography of Steven Rubin - LightBox
City Helps Fulfill Sick Kid's Dream Of Becoming Batman For A Day
DUST 514 preview - Shacknews
Dr Who Game Getting Physical UK Release - IGN
Planetary Interaction Guide - EVE Online
Planetary interaction (CCP guide) - EVElopedia
Planetary Interaction - UniWiki
Most profitable PI - Science & Industry - EVE Online Forums
EVE Online Wormholes: Final EVE Planetary Interaction Products
Producing POS fuels with PI | Aeon's EVE
Resistance Is Useless (Doctor Who Documentary 1992) - Video Dailymotion
The Settlers Online - Free city-building online strategy browser game | Home page
Budlight Gay Ad | Flickr
Anti-Joke Chicken meme | quickmeme
Monday, April 16, 2012
Web freedom faces greatest threat ever, warns Google's Sergey Brin | Technology | The Guardian
As ice cap melts, militaries vie for Arctic edge
BBC News - Four-year-old Heidi Hankins joins Mensa with 159 IQ
Autistic physics genius, 12, in college -
SOPA is dead, but CISPA may give Internet citizens a new cause
What Mitt won’t say in public - Salon
War on drugs 'not working,' Harper says - CBC News
More U.S. Children of Immigrants Are Leaving U.S. - NYTimes
Netflix CEO Accuses Comcast of Not Practicing Net Neutrality - Slashdot
New iPad Mini rumor: 6M coming in third quarter | Apple - CNET News
FBI track Anonymous hacker using his girlfriend's boobs
Anonymous Hacker AnonWormer Unmasked by Girlfriend's Cleavage Picture
Vladimir Putin Confirms Russian Zombie Radiation Gun
Iranian nuclear scientists were present at failed North Korean missile launch, says source
Doctor Who & Its Growing Popularity In The United States
Frank Oz Does Not Approve of the New Muppets Movie - Film Junk
Kermit as Mogul, Farting Fozzie Bear: How Disney's Muppets Movie Has Purists Rattled - The Hollywood Reporter
Division by zero - Wikipedia
On September 21, 1997, a divide by zero error on board the USS Yorktown (CG-48) Remote Data Base Manager brought down all the machines on the network, causing the ship's propulsion system to fail.
PS3 Media Server
Two Red Alliance Titans down in Delve : Eve
raw footage of 2 titan kills in NOL-M9 - YouTube
As ice cap melts, militaries vie for Arctic edge
BBC News - Four-year-old Heidi Hankins joins Mensa with 159 IQ
Autistic physics genius, 12, in college -
SOPA is dead, but CISPA may give Internet citizens a new cause
What Mitt won’t say in public - Salon
War on drugs 'not working,' Harper says - CBC News
More U.S. Children of Immigrants Are Leaving U.S. - NYTimes
Netflix CEO Accuses Comcast of Not Practicing Net Neutrality - Slashdot
New iPad Mini rumor: 6M coming in third quarter | Apple - CNET News
FBI track Anonymous hacker using his girlfriend's boobs
Anonymous Hacker AnonWormer Unmasked by Girlfriend's Cleavage Picture
Vladimir Putin Confirms Russian Zombie Radiation Gun
Iranian nuclear scientists were present at failed North Korean missile launch, says source
Doctor Who & Its Growing Popularity In The United States
Frank Oz Does Not Approve of the New Muppets Movie - Film Junk
Kermit as Mogul, Farting Fozzie Bear: How Disney's Muppets Movie Has Purists Rattled - The Hollywood Reporter
Division by zero - Wikipedia
On September 21, 1997, a divide by zero error on board the USS Yorktown (CG-48) Remote Data Base Manager brought down all the machines on the network, causing the ship's propulsion system to fail.
PS3 Media Server
Two Red Alliance Titans down in Delve : Eve
raw footage of 2 titan kills in NOL-M9 - YouTube
Friday, April 13, 2012
Mars Viking robots 'found life'
Braid's Jonathan Blow on Art, High Standards, and Games as "Shitty Action Movies"
The Most Dangerous Gamer - Magazine - The Atlantic
Artificial Intelligence Could Be on Brink of Passing Turing Test
Trooper, motorist: Mysterious object fell from sky
Reports of a green, glowing object the size of a whale fell from the sky & crashed into Lake.
Litchfield buzzing with talk of UFO falling into Bantam Lake- The New Haven Register - Serving New Haven, Connecticut
Joe Muto, Gawker’s ‘Fox News Mole,’ fired by network: ‘They nailed me’ | The Cutline - Yahoo! News
Here's a Picture of Bill O'Reilly With a Topless Woman Along With the Fox News Legal Threat Meant to Quash It
J.K. Rowling's next book: 'The Casual Vacancy'
Appeals Court Rules Computer Code Is Not "Property" and Can't Be Stolen
More States Try to Keep Facebook Passwords Away From Bosses | Wired Enterprise |
Baboons can recognise scores of written words leave scientists spell-bound
Astronomers uncover stardust origins › News in Science (ABC Science)
Steel Panther - Wikipedia
Grismar's EVE Wiki: Scanning Guide
Introduction to Directional Scanner - YouTube
More about Directional Scanner - YouTube
Sony Xperia SmartWatch connects to your Android handset
Mormonia Dictionary - Official Dictonary of Mormonism - LDS Slang - Salamander Society
Bondage, BDSM & Fetish Community For Kinksters, By Kinksters - FetLife [NSFW] Via SE
Braid's Jonathan Blow on Art, High Standards, and Games as "Shitty Action Movies"
The Most Dangerous Gamer - Magazine - The Atlantic
Artificial Intelligence Could Be on Brink of Passing Turing Test
Trooper, motorist: Mysterious object fell from sky
Reports of a green, glowing object the size of a whale fell from the sky & crashed into Lake.
Litchfield buzzing with talk of UFO falling into Bantam Lake- The New Haven Register - Serving New Haven, Connecticut
Joe Muto, Gawker’s ‘Fox News Mole,’ fired by network: ‘They nailed me’ | The Cutline - Yahoo! News
Here's a Picture of Bill O'Reilly With a Topless Woman Along With the Fox News Legal Threat Meant to Quash It
J.K. Rowling's next book: 'The Casual Vacancy'
Appeals Court Rules Computer Code Is Not "Property" and Can't Be Stolen
More States Try to Keep Facebook Passwords Away From Bosses | Wired Enterprise |
Baboons can recognise scores of written words leave scientists spell-bound
Astronomers uncover stardust origins › News in Science (ABC Science)
Steel Panther - Wikipedia
Grismar's EVE Wiki: Scanning Guide
Introduction to Directional Scanner - YouTube
More about Directional Scanner - YouTube
Sony Xperia SmartWatch connects to your Android handset
Mormonia Dictionary - Official Dictonary of Mormonism - LDS Slang - Salamander Society
Bondage, BDSM & Fetish Community For Kinksters, By Kinksters - FetLife [NSFW] Via SE
Thursday, April 12, 2012
I found a bunch of Full Length B-Movies on Youtube. Enjoy!
Journey to the Beginning of Time - YouTube
Warning from Space (1956) - YouTube
Aldous Huxley's Brave New World - YouTube
War of the Planets (1977) - YouTube
Planet Of Dinosaurs (1978) - YouTube
Doomsday Machine (1972) - YouTube
Flight To Mars (1951) - YouTube
Star Odyssey (1979) - YouTube
First Spaceship on Venus (1960) - YouTube
Attack Of The Monsters - YouTube
Journey to the Beginning of Time - YouTube
Warning from Space (1956) - YouTube
Aldous Huxley's Brave New World - YouTube
War of the Planets (1977) - YouTube
Planet Of Dinosaurs (1978) - YouTube
Doomsday Machine (1972) - YouTube
Flight To Mars (1951) - YouTube
Star Odyssey (1979) - YouTube
First Spaceship on Venus (1960) - YouTube
Attack Of The Monsters - YouTube
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Stephen Fry: The Importance of Unbelief - YouTube
Stephen Fry's Mormon Encounter
How Did You Lose Your Religion? Ricky Gervais - YouTube
George Carlin Philosophy - Religion & Consumerism - YouTube
Russia Thinks An Israeli Attack On Iran By The Summer Is 'Almost Certain' - Business Insider
Russia is massing Troops on Iran's Northern Border
Report: Super-Cheap Google Tablet Coming in July
Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals: Scientific American
A nearby star may have more planets than we do! | Discover Magazine
Jack Tramiel, father of the Commodore 64, passes away at age 83
Finding Goatse: The Mystery Man Behind the Most Disturbing Internet Meme in History
‘Monkey Bill’ likely to pass in Tennessee, open creationism debate in schools | National Post
Poll: Google more popular than Apple, Facebook -
Brain tumors linked to dental X-rays – CNN
Apple founder fears patent war fallout
Echoes of Trayvon Martin in the police killing of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr
Leaked Videos Show US Contractors Randomly Killing Civilians
MorpHex part III - YouTube
Zenta -
The Quiet Front - Home [nsfw]
Jordan Doner - [nsfw]
Stephen Fry's Mormon Encounter
How Did You Lose Your Religion? Ricky Gervais - YouTube
George Carlin Philosophy - Religion & Consumerism - YouTube
Russia Thinks An Israeli Attack On Iran By The Summer Is 'Almost Certain' - Business Insider
Russia is massing Troops on Iran's Northern Border
Report: Super-Cheap Google Tablet Coming in July
Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals: Scientific American
A nearby star may have more planets than we do! | Discover Magazine
Jack Tramiel, father of the Commodore 64, passes away at age 83
Finding Goatse: The Mystery Man Behind the Most Disturbing Internet Meme in History
‘Monkey Bill’ likely to pass in Tennessee, open creationism debate in schools | National Post
Poll: Google more popular than Apple, Facebook -
Brain tumors linked to dental X-rays – CNN
Apple founder fears patent war fallout
Echoes of Trayvon Martin in the police killing of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr
Leaked Videos Show US Contractors Randomly Killing Civilians
MorpHex part III - YouTube
Zenta -
The Quiet Front - Home [nsfw]
Jordan Doner - [nsfw]
Monday, April 09, 2012
How Las Vegas missed out on a life-sized Starship Enterprise
Breaking: Facebook's Buying Instagram for a Billion Dollars (Updating)
Sony to ax 10,000 jobs in turnaround bid: Nikkei - Yahoo! News
Microsoft Buying AOL Patents, Licenses For $1 Billion : NPR
Mom slams drug rehab centre run by Scientologists - Canada - CBC News
Autism Linked to Obesity in Mothers -
A review of White Bread, a new book about our nation’s fear of flour. - Slate Magazine
Stop eating tofu. Start eating wheat gluten. - Slate Magazine
New Mechromancer Class, Character Customization Coming To Borderlands 2
Woman spent 55 years searching for her twin sister and found her living round the corner! - Mirror Online
Jesus vs. Scientists: Who's Better at Miracles?
Ex-Girlfriend Busted For Brutal Scrotum Attack | The Smoking Gun
reddit/r/Shitty Tech Support
EVE: Inferno War Dec Changes - YouTube
EVE is EASY - Solo Myrmidon 0.0 PvP Guide - YouTube
Lollipop Chainsaw PAX East 2012 Gameplay - YouTube
Breaking: Facebook's Buying Instagram for a Billion Dollars (Updating)
Sony to ax 10,000 jobs in turnaround bid: Nikkei - Yahoo! News
Microsoft Buying AOL Patents, Licenses For $1 Billion : NPR
Mom slams drug rehab centre run by Scientologists - Canada - CBC News
Autism Linked to Obesity in Mothers -
A review of White Bread, a new book about our nation’s fear of flour. - Slate Magazine
Stop eating tofu. Start eating wheat gluten. - Slate Magazine
New Mechromancer Class, Character Customization Coming To Borderlands 2
Woman spent 55 years searching for her twin sister and found her living round the corner! - Mirror Online
Jesus vs. Scientists: Who's Better at Miracles?
Ex-Girlfriend Busted For Brutal Scrotum Attack | The Smoking Gun
reddit/r/Shitty Tech Support
EVE: Inferno War Dec Changes - YouTube
EVE is EASY - Solo Myrmidon 0.0 PvP Guide - YouTube
Lollipop Chainsaw PAX East 2012 Gameplay - YouTube
Thursday, April 05, 2012
More than 600,000 Macs infected with Flashback Trojan downloader
Facebook security hole jeopardizes iPhone, Android devices
Scientists Find First Definitive Genetic Links to Autism
EA defends itself against thousands of anti-gay letters | GamesIndustry
EA voted the worst company in America, awarded a Golden Poo
The Taboo Treatment: How Fecal Transplants Save Lives
Sperm: America's most renewable resource?
Sea Captain Date
Smoke Grenade Maker: Don’t Be a Dick with Smoke Grenades
Over 1 million pay-television subscribers cut the cord in 2011
Steve Jobs Android rage was 'all for show'
Steve Jobs biographer confirms that Jobs' anger about Android was very real
Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut Free DLC Coming in Summer - PlayStation 3 News at IGN
Fallout - Free!
Assassin's Creed 3 will have 'more modern day sections than ever before'
Next Great Depression? MIT researchers predict ‘global economic collapse’ by 2030
Tenn. governor 'probably' will sign "monkey bill"
Vintage Photos Enter Spooky Afterlife as Animated .Gifs | Underwire |
Senatorial confessions | Urban Explorer | Creative Loafing Tampa
Fox News host tweets birther murder fantasy |
0x10c - 0x10c unofficial faq
Facebook security hole jeopardizes iPhone, Android devices
Scientists Find First Definitive Genetic Links to Autism
EA defends itself against thousands of anti-gay letters | GamesIndustry
EA voted the worst company in America, awarded a Golden Poo
The Taboo Treatment: How Fecal Transplants Save Lives
Sperm: America's most renewable resource?
Sea Captain Date
Smoke Grenade Maker: Don’t Be a Dick with Smoke Grenades
Over 1 million pay-television subscribers cut the cord in 2011
Steve Jobs Android rage was 'all for show'
Steve Jobs biographer confirms that Jobs' anger about Android was very real
Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut Free DLC Coming in Summer - PlayStation 3 News at IGN
Fallout - Free!
Assassin's Creed 3 will have 'more modern day sections than ever before'
Next Great Depression? MIT researchers predict ‘global economic collapse’ by 2030
Tenn. governor 'probably' will sign "monkey bill"
Vintage Photos Enter Spooky Afterlife as Animated .Gifs | Underwire |
Senatorial confessions | Urban Explorer | Creative Loafing Tampa
Fox News host tweets birther murder fantasy |
0x10c - 0x10c unofficial faq
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Hi, I'm Notch, and this is my new game. It's going to be a space game, and it's quite ambitious!
The game is still extremely early in development, but like we did with Minecraft, we expect to release it early and let the players help me shape the game as it grows.
Don’t Let Congress Use "Cybersecurity" Fears to Erode Digital Rights - Electronic Frontier Foundation
Move over SOPA & PIPA - here comes CISPA - internet censorship
Aww shit. Here we go again. Again. CISPA - HR 3525. AKA Return of the SOPA
Draconian ‘Privacy Invasion Bill’ Continues to Gain Support | TorrentFreak
Live long, and prosper. : pics
Plutonium to Pluto: Russian nuclear space travel breakthrough — RT
10,000 Year Old Frozen Mammoth Found Perfectly Preserved in Siberia
Google Glasses First Look: Would You Wear These Augmented Reality Specs?
150 Gigapixel Sky Image Contains 1 Billion Stars - Slashdot
To grasp a billion stars | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Apple may be working on physical gaming controller for the iPad
New Links | Hacker News
UK Radio Station - Streaming
United Kingdom radio stations streaming live
DeliCast - Internet TV and Internet Radio, live radio stations streaming
Hi, I'm Notch, and this is my new game. It's going to be a space game, and it's quite ambitious!
The game is still extremely early in development, but like we did with Minecraft, we expect to release it early and let the players help me shape the game as it grows.
Don’t Let Congress Use "Cybersecurity" Fears to Erode Digital Rights - Electronic Frontier Foundation
Move over SOPA & PIPA - here comes CISPA - internet censorship
Aww shit. Here we go again. Again. CISPA - HR 3525. AKA Return of the SOPA
Draconian ‘Privacy Invasion Bill’ Continues to Gain Support | TorrentFreak
Live long, and prosper. : pics
Plutonium to Pluto: Russian nuclear space travel breakthrough — RT
10,000 Year Old Frozen Mammoth Found Perfectly Preserved in Siberia
Google Glasses First Look: Would You Wear These Augmented Reality Specs?
150 Gigapixel Sky Image Contains 1 Billion Stars - Slashdot
To grasp a billion stars | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Apple may be working on physical gaming controller for the iPad
New Links | Hacker News
UK Radio Station - Streaming
United Kingdom radio stations streaming live
DeliCast - Internet TV and Internet Radio, live radio stations streaming
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Putin targets foes with 'zombie' gun which attack victims' central nervous system
Trolling Could Get You 25 Years in Jail in Arizona
Wii U 'not up to the same level' as PS3, Xbox 360 - Developers -
US draws up plans for nuclear drones | World news | The Guardian
Police: California shooting suspect shows no remorse - CNN
Online passwords are very insecure: Cambridge study
With Linux merge, expect Android flowers to bloom | Deep Tech - CNET News
Christa Dias, Mother, Fired From Catholic Schools For Use Of Artificial Insemination
Terrible New Law Requires Women to Give Birth to Nonviable Fetuses
France best, U.S. worst in preventable death ranking
North Korea 'preparing to unveil missile capable of striking continental US'
Hot Find! Humans Used Fire 1 Million Years Ago
Screamer Radio Freeware Streaming Radio Program
Radio Stations - Screamer Radio
Screamer Radio (screamerradio) on Twitter
Steamcore Software Solutions
unruly_kitty - LJ [Mixed/NSFW?]
sexy-fingers - LJ [NSFW]
vrode - LJ [Mixed/NSFW]
Trolling Could Get You 25 Years in Jail in Arizona
Wii U 'not up to the same level' as PS3, Xbox 360 - Developers -
US draws up plans for nuclear drones | World news | The Guardian
Police: California shooting suspect shows no remorse - CNN
Online passwords are very insecure: Cambridge study
With Linux merge, expect Android flowers to bloom | Deep Tech - CNET News
Christa Dias, Mother, Fired From Catholic Schools For Use Of Artificial Insemination
Terrible New Law Requires Women to Give Birth to Nonviable Fetuses
France best, U.S. worst in preventable death ranking
North Korea 'preparing to unveil missile capable of striking continental US'
Hot Find! Humans Used Fire 1 Million Years Ago
Screamer Radio Freeware Streaming Radio Program
Radio Stations - Screamer Radio
Screamer Radio (screamerradio) on Twitter
Steamcore Software Solutions
unruly_kitty - LJ [Mixed/NSFW?]
sexy-fingers - LJ [NSFW]
vrode - LJ [Mixed/NSFW]
Monday, April 02, 2012
BBC News - Email and web use 'to be monitored' under new laws
BBC News - Warning over need for safeguards in email and web monitoring plan
The x86 PlayStation 4 could signal a sea-change in the console industry
IBM to Develop Telescope Data Analysis System | PCWorld Business Center
Exclusive: Google, Amazon, and Microsoft Swarm China for Network Gear | Wired Enterprise |
Pastebin looking to hire staff to police posted content
Researcher publishes specs for real Linux-powered Star Trek tricorder
the Tricorder project
The Pirate Bay Buys Greek Airspace for Drones | TorrentFreak
Drinks with Bolton - CCP Soundwave, The Mittani, and Whitetr - YouTube
The Mittani revealing his plans for the alliance panel - Jita (General) - EVE Online Forums at
Like high sec miners we want them to kill themselves. People who role play we want them to kill themselves. People with titans we want them to kill themselves.
There's whole cloves of people who I hope to really offend by telling them to commit suicide while on stage in front of a thousand of nerds.
My Apology - EVE General Discussion - EVE Online Forums
BBC News - Warning over need for safeguards in email and web monitoring plan
The x86 PlayStation 4 could signal a sea-change in the console industry
IBM to Develop Telescope Data Analysis System | PCWorld Business Center
Exclusive: Google, Amazon, and Microsoft Swarm China for Network Gear | Wired Enterprise |
Pastebin looking to hire staff to police posted content
Researcher publishes specs for real Linux-powered Star Trek tricorder
the Tricorder project
The Pirate Bay Buys Greek Airspace for Drones | TorrentFreak
Drinks with Bolton - CCP Soundwave, The Mittani, and Whitetr - YouTube
The Mittani revealing his plans for the alliance panel - Jita (General) - EVE Online Forums at
Like high sec miners we want them to kill themselves. People who role play we want them to kill themselves. People with titans we want them to kill themselves.
There's whole cloves of people who I hope to really offend by telling them to commit suicide while on stage in front of a thousand of nerds.
My Apology - EVE General Discussion - EVE Online Forums
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