Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Men Who Play Nazis for Fun Try to Explain - NYTimes.com
Why is This GOP House Candidate Dressed as a Nazi? - Joshua Green - Politics - The Atlantic
Ohio GOP Candidate Defends Nazi Reenactment, Blames Opponent for Bad Press

Samsung GALAXY Tab

Samsung Galaxy Tab Price $100 Too High?

Wal-Mart announces the arrival of Apple iPad on its shelves

Former US Marine: Medal Of Honor Turns War Into "Participatory Cinema"
Enlisted Gamer Criticizes Military Response to Medal Of Honor

Playboy son of North Korean leader raps succession plan
Buffalo family's painting could be a Michelangelo
LiveLeak.com - TV Hosts screams at audience during Live Show Shut the F Up

A Day In the Life of The Set of the Daily Show/Colbert Report Promo Shoot

LEGO Universe Delivers a Compelling Online Experience

"Deleted" Facebook photos still not deleted: a followup


And in 2009? Local news...
Report: 'Dirty bomb' parts found in slain man's home - Bangor Daily News
Slain American Nazi Millionaire Had Dirty Bomb Ingredients, Was 'Very Upset' About Obama | PEEK | AlterNet

1 comment:

  1. I just picked up a Motorola Droid X. Seems to do everything that the Samsung Galaxy does (except video conferencing) at half the price. Plus the Droid X fits in my pocket. Motorola just needs to develop a small detacheable USB webcam for the Droid X and vioila!
