Thursday, April 28, 2011

Q&A #1 for PlayStation Network and Qriocity Services – PlayStation Blog
The entire credit card table was encrypted and we have no evidence that credit card data was taken. The personal data table, which is a separate data set, was not encrypted, but was, of course, behind a very sophisticated security system that was breached in a malicious attack.

YouTube - PS3 - It Only Does Identity Theft

FBI issues Grand Jury subpoena presumed to relate to Wikileaks, Espionage Act charges - Boing Boing

YouTube - Brink Get SMART Series: The Basics
YouTube - Brink Get SMART Series: General Gameplay
YouTube - Brink Get SMART Series: Objectives

YouTube - Call of Duty: Black Ops Escalation - Call of the Dead [Official HD]

Red Faction: Armageddon sees slight delay- Destructoid

Eight horses killed in gay-hate barn fire

Atheists Seek a Place Among Military Chaplains - NYTimes

Microsoft Warns of 'Modern Warfare 2' Phishing Attacks - Yahoo! News

xkcd Reddit store

Ubuntu 11.04 released, a Natty Narwhal rises from the depths

Netflix Is Killing BitTorrent in The US | TorrentFreak

All The Rage: Ridiculous 'Monkeytail' Beards - Geekologie

1 comment:

  1. I'm a longtime Ubuntu users. I just upgraded my machines from Meerkat to Narwhal. Unity desktop takes a little while to get used to but I'm starting to like it. Download a Narwhal.iso, burn it, boot it and try it for yourself.
