Communist Central - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 05/29/12
Communist Central - Obama's Socialist Scheme - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 05/29/12
Defense Industry Campaign Contributions Create Incentive For ‘Pentagon Pork’
Senate panel backs $631 billion in defense spending | Reuters
US defense budget debate touches on Afghanistan, NASCAR
The department spent about $96 million last year to sponsor sporting events, including $20 million on a single NASCAR auto race, as part of its marketing effort to recruit volunteers, one official said.
Republicans Move to Cut Military's Alternative Fuels - Businessweek
How Facebook's Timeline is like genital herpes
Facebook’s Zuckerberg drops off top billionaires list
Facebook co-founder "I don't like showing my private life online"
Kim Dotcom wins right to FBI files
Mitt Romney's iPhone app spells 'America' incorrectly - CNET
Israel hints it may be behind 'Flame' super-virus targeting Iran
New ‘Digital Divide’ Seen in Wasting Time Online - NYTimes
Sony reveals Battlefield 3 Premium release date, price - Eurogamer
TSA Employee Stole $50k Worth of Electronics - Slashdot
Police identified Rudy Eugene, 31, as the "zombie" killer.
Aspirin: The New Anti-Cancer Wonder Drug? - Forbes
Calcium supplements may raise heart attack risk
Reddit - Some general tips from an A4-Inferno player regarding gear. : Diablo
Reddit - 45 (and Growing) Tips and Tricks for D3. Come Look and Help the List Grow! : Diablo
Reddit - Let's discuss good level 60 farming strategies! : Diablo
Chunky - Minecraft Raytracing
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Fallen Marine's letter marks Memorial Day in Kabul
"There will be a child who will live because men left the security they enjoyed in their home to come to his," Stacey wrote in his letter. "He will have the gift of freedom which I have enjoyed for so long myself, and if my life brings the safety of a child who will one day change the world, then I know that it was all worth it."
Official: 160 girls poisoned at Afghan school - CNN
Gay students graduate openly at military academies
Asteroid Near-Misses: Earth Buzzed By Two Space Rocks On May 28, 29
Pulp Fiction in Chronological Order |
Dirk Gently axed, says Stephen Mangan | Radio Times
Odd That Microsoft Demands Google Take Down Links That Remain In Bing | Techdirt
'Sorry we confused UN logo with Halo video game' - BBC
CultureLab: Digital danger: Is our online activity damaging us?
Carmageddon: Reincarnation passes Kickstarter goal
Nearly 1 million iOS jailbreaks over Memorial Day thanks to Absinthe
Fox Issues DMCA Takedown To Google Over SF Chronicle Article
BBC News - Does anybody still need aircraft carriers?
Forget 'Men in Black 3': Why aliens won't attack Earth
Project Glass - Google+
SNL - 50 Shades of Grey Video
"There will be a child who will live because men left the security they enjoyed in their home to come to his," Stacey wrote in his letter. "He will have the gift of freedom which I have enjoyed for so long myself, and if my life brings the safety of a child who will one day change the world, then I know that it was all worth it."
Official: 160 girls poisoned at Afghan school - CNN
Gay students graduate openly at military academies
Asteroid Near-Misses: Earth Buzzed By Two Space Rocks On May 28, 29
Pulp Fiction in Chronological Order |
Dirk Gently axed, says Stephen Mangan | Radio Times
Odd That Microsoft Demands Google Take Down Links That Remain In Bing | Techdirt
'Sorry we confused UN logo with Halo video game' - BBC
CultureLab: Digital danger: Is our online activity damaging us?
Carmageddon: Reincarnation passes Kickstarter goal
Nearly 1 million iOS jailbreaks over Memorial Day thanks to Absinthe
Fox Issues DMCA Takedown To Google Over SF Chronicle Article
BBC News - Does anybody still need aircraft carriers?
Forget 'Men in Black 3': Why aliens won't attack Earth
Project Glass - Google+
SNL - 50 Shades of Grey Video
Friday, May 25, 2012
Towel Day
Towel Day quiz: how well do you know the Hitchhiker's Guide? | Books |
How to Celebrate Towel Day: 10 steps (with pictures) - wikiHow
Towel Day - Don't forget your towel
Douglas Adams celebrated by fans worldwide on 'Towel Day'
Seized from smugglers, the leather-bound 'gospel' which Iran claims will bring down Christianity
Malware and computer viruses: They’ve left porn sites for religious sites. - Slate Magazine
Anderson Cooper quizzes supporter of pastor who proposes concentration camps for gay people - Boing Boing
Jim Parsons Comes Out As Gay: 'Big Bang Theory' Star's Sexuality Officially Revealed In New York Times
F*CKING WASPS - Is D3 going to fail? | Diablo 3 Act 2 Inferno Gameplay Critique - YouTube Tijuana Bibles : Art and Wit in America's Forbidden Funnies, 1930s-1950s
Tijuana bible - Wikipedia
TIJUANA BIBLES (1920s-1960s) « Lemon Cordial Intervention
Lesbian Pulp Fiction, 1935-1958 | Retronaut
maine -
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Note to Self: Siri Not Just Working for Me, Working Full-Time for Apple, Too
IBM blocking Siri on employees' iPhones due to security concerns | The Verge
Why Women Date Assholes
Governments pose greatest threat to internet, says Google's Eric Schmidt
Senator admits: SOPA “really did pose some risk to the Internet”
Facebook at $22 Seen in Structured Warrants - Businessweek
Inside Fumbled Facebook Offering -
Apple applies for optical stylus patent, Hell reports coldest day on record - Engadget
How Tim Cook is changing Apple - Fortune Tech
Google+ for Android update brings new look, now lets you start Hangouts from a phone
Trefael Stone reveals stone age burial chamber
Where did dogs come from? It turns out we don’t really know | Ars Technica
Google pumps cash into UK classrooms, will buy Arduino, Raspberry Pi sets for kids
(FCC) Julius Genachowski voices support for capped, tiered broadband -- Engadget
Blue Screen vs. Green Screen: What's the diff? - Straight Dope
why a 'green screen'?
Demo Reel Shows Just How Much Green Screen Is on TV
Stargate Studios Virtual Backlot Reel - YouTube
Study Finds Fox News Viewers Least Informed Of All Viewers
Birth Control's 89% Approval Rating Shows It's a Non-Issue - The Atlantic Wire
Move over Segway, Honda introduces the Uni-Cub
Honda UNI-CUB Personal Mobility Device - YouTube
Penny Arcade - Extra Credits – Harassment
FBI quietly forms secretive Net-surveillance unit | CNET News
Poll shows strong support for legal marijuana: Is it inevitable?
Diablo 3 leveling - What happens after level 60?
Got a question about Diablo III | GameShampoo
I'm level 60, how do I farm gear? - Diablo III

IBM blocking Siri on employees' iPhones due to security concerns | The Verge
Why Women Date Assholes
Governments pose greatest threat to internet, says Google's Eric Schmidt
Senator admits: SOPA “really did pose some risk to the Internet”
Facebook at $22 Seen in Structured Warrants - Businessweek
Inside Fumbled Facebook Offering -
Apple applies for optical stylus patent, Hell reports coldest day on record - Engadget
How Tim Cook is changing Apple - Fortune Tech
Google+ for Android update brings new look, now lets you start Hangouts from a phone
Trefael Stone reveals stone age burial chamber
Where did dogs come from? It turns out we don’t really know | Ars Technica
Google pumps cash into UK classrooms, will buy Arduino, Raspberry Pi sets for kids
(FCC) Julius Genachowski voices support for capped, tiered broadband -- Engadget
Blue Screen vs. Green Screen: What's the diff? - Straight Dope
why a 'green screen'?
Demo Reel Shows Just How Much Green Screen Is on TV
Stargate Studios Virtual Backlot Reel - YouTube
Study Finds Fox News Viewers Least Informed Of All Viewers
Birth Control's 89% Approval Rating Shows It's a Non-Issue - The Atlantic Wire
Move over Segway, Honda introduces the Uni-Cub
Honda UNI-CUB Personal Mobility Device - YouTube
Penny Arcade - Extra Credits – Harassment
FBI quietly forms secretive Net-surveillance unit | CNET News
Poll shows strong support for legal marijuana: Is it inevitable?
Diablo 3 leveling - What happens after level 60?
Got a question about Diablo III | GameShampoo
I'm level 60, how do I farm gear? - Diablo III
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Charles L. Worley, NC Pastor: 'Forty Years Ago [Gays] Would've Hung...From A White Oak Tree'
Pastor delivers anti-gay rant, suggests building electric fence around ‘queers and homosexuals’
Video of North Carolina pastor's plan to 'get rid of' gays goes viral
Two harrowing US military rescues offer haunting portrait of Afghan war
US drone strike in Pakistan highlights divergent interests of US, Pakistan
Jury verdict: Android doesn't infringe Oracle's patents
Judge recommends Xbox 360 ban in US | MCV
'Diablo 3' sales set record despite launch issues
Blizzard nerfs Monk class in first Diablo III Hotfix | VG247
Blizzard: account theft increase normal, hacking not issue
Russians say they intend to establish permanent moon bases
SEC, FINRA call for probe of Facebook IPO as stock slides
Facebook working on redesign of unpopular “Timeline” feature
Facebook Tests Timeline Redesign | PCWorld
Facebook is People!: Why I Quit Mark Zuckerberg’s Online Collective Data Farm
Mark Zuckerberg sells 30.2 million shares of $FB common stock at $37.58
X-Men superhero set for same sex wedding
Via Technologies' APC micro-PCRaspberry Pi's budget challengers
The Pirate Bay circumvents ISP blocks with new IP address
New Jersey Woman Says She Was Fired For Being Too Busty
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)Chimpanzees 'have personalities'
Pastor delivers anti-gay rant, suggests building electric fence around ‘queers and homosexuals’
Video of North Carolina pastor's plan to 'get rid of' gays goes viral
Two harrowing US military rescues offer haunting portrait of Afghan war
US drone strike in Pakistan highlights divergent interests of US, Pakistan
Jury verdict: Android doesn't infringe Oracle's patents
Judge recommends Xbox 360 ban in US | MCV
'Diablo 3' sales set record despite launch issues
Blizzard nerfs Monk class in first Diablo III Hotfix | VG247
Blizzard: account theft increase normal, hacking not issue
Russians say they intend to establish permanent moon bases
SEC, FINRA call for probe of Facebook IPO as stock slides
Facebook working on redesign of unpopular “Timeline” feature
Facebook Tests Timeline Redesign | PCWorld
Facebook is People!: Why I Quit Mark Zuckerberg’s Online Collective Data Farm
Mark Zuckerberg sells 30.2 million shares of $FB common stock at $37.58
X-Men superhero set for same sex wedding
Via Technologies' APC micro-PCRaspberry Pi's budget challengers
The Pirate Bay circumvents ISP blocks with new IP address
New Jersey Woman Says She Was Fired For Being Too Busty
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)Chimpanzees 'have personalities'
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
What's the best Web site for geotagged photos? | Underexposed - CNET - Explore your world through everyone's eyes
Facebook shares decline further
Apple files for Samsung Tab ban in USA - SlashGear
Google completes purchase of Motorola Mobility
Larry Page Spotted Wearing Google Glasses In England! | TechCrunch
Larry Page: Facebook holding users hostage | Internet & Media - CNET
Man, stranded in the desert, makes a motorcycle from his broken car - Hack a Day
Star Trek Actor's Remains Launched by SpaceX
Amazon adds 'Test Drive' feature to Android Appstore app - TechSpot
China fake parts 'used in US military equipment'
DNA to shed light on yeti claims
'Cursing stone' found on Isle of Canna
SETI astronomer Jill Tarter retiring after 35-year alien hunt
DICE says some upcoming Frostbite 2 games will require 64-bit OS
Knucklebuster » Blog Archive » 1930 Art Deco Henderson
Diablo Lore - The Story So Far - YouTube - Explore your world through everyone's eyes
Facebook shares decline further
Apple files for Samsung Tab ban in USA - SlashGear
Google completes purchase of Motorola Mobility
Larry Page Spotted Wearing Google Glasses In England! | TechCrunch
Larry Page: Facebook holding users hostage | Internet & Media - CNET
Man, stranded in the desert, makes a motorcycle from his broken car - Hack a Day
Star Trek Actor's Remains Launched by SpaceX
Amazon adds 'Test Drive' feature to Android Appstore app - TechSpot
China fake parts 'used in US military equipment'
DNA to shed light on yeti claims
'Cursing stone' found on Isle of Canna
SETI astronomer Jill Tarter retiring after 35-year alien hunt
DICE says some upcoming Frostbite 2 games will require 64-bit OS
Knucklebuster » Blog Archive » 1930 Art Deco Henderson
Diablo Lore - The Story So Far - YouTube
Friday, May 18, 2012
Wired 9.12: Take The AQ Test
Autism Spectrum Quotient - Wikipedia
New $74 Android mini computer is slightly larger than a thumb drive | Ars Technica
Everyme - The Private Social Network
Iranian singer in hiding in Germany after threats
You Built What?! A Real Iron Man Suit | Popular Science
Carmageddon seeks Kickstarter cash comeback
Steve Jobs was 'closely' involved in upcoming iPhone redesign, says Bloomberg
NASA - SpaceX Launch on May 19, 4:55 AM
Samsung Galaxy S3 hits9 million pre-orders ahead of launch
How FBI Entrapment Is Inventing 'Terrorists' - and Letting Bad Guys Off the Hook | Rolling Stone
Police: Man asked to be shot
r/treesgonewild/ - Reddit [NSFW]
r/girlsinyogapants on Imgur [NSFW]
/r/Pantyfetish [NSFW]
Autism Spectrum Quotient - Wikipedia
New $74 Android mini computer is slightly larger than a thumb drive | Ars Technica
Everyme - The Private Social Network
Iranian singer in hiding in Germany after threats
You Built What?! A Real Iron Man Suit | Popular Science
Carmageddon seeks Kickstarter cash comeback
Steve Jobs was 'closely' involved in upcoming iPhone redesign, says Bloomberg
NASA - SpaceX Launch on May 19, 4:55 AM
Samsung Galaxy S3 hits9 million pre-orders ahead of launch
How FBI Entrapment Is Inventing 'Terrorists' - and Letting Bad Guys Off the Hook | Rolling Stone
Police: Man asked to be shot
r/treesgonewild/ - Reddit [NSFW]
r/girlsinyogapants on Imgur [NSFW]
/r/Pantyfetish [NSFW]
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Turkish jets stop 'Israeli violation' of airspace
US Envoy To Israel: US Ready To Strike Iran : NPR
Iran attack decision nears, Israeli elite locks down
"I think they have made a decision to attack," "The window of opportunity is before the U.S. presidential election in November. This way they will bounce the Americans into supporting them."
Register for Closed Beta
DUST 514 // Home
Sandbox Strategies | PR / Marketing / Social Media / Events For Videogames and Tech
Has Anonymous Infiltrated the US Government?
Internet Use Linked to Depression, Says Study
Siri Results Altered and Damning Emails Surface in the Apple eBook Price Fixing Issue
Wikileaks has been under DDoS attack for the last three days | ZDNet
Evangelion comes to Android: hands-on with Sharp's NERV edition SH-06D | The Verge
Comcast suspends 250GB data cap—for now | Ars Technica
Borderlands 2 Pre-Order
Gearboxity - Gearbox Borderlands 2 Cover Art and Special Editions revealed
Stop the madness: Media manipulation has sent us into Facebook IPO overload
Research: 44% of Facebook users will ‘never’ click sponsored ads
Two New Images From The Next Series Of Red Dwarf, Direct From The Editing Chair
How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People | Belief | AlterNet
Dish Network's new DVR erases commercials entirely, and the TV industry is not happy about that.
US Envoy To Israel: US Ready To Strike Iran : NPR
Iran attack decision nears, Israeli elite locks down
"I think they have made a decision to attack," "The window of opportunity is before the U.S. presidential election in November. This way they will bounce the Americans into supporting them."
Register for Closed Beta
DUST 514 // Home
Sandbox Strategies | PR / Marketing / Social Media / Events For Videogames and Tech
Has Anonymous Infiltrated the US Government?
Internet Use Linked to Depression, Says Study
Siri Results Altered and Damning Emails Surface in the Apple eBook Price Fixing Issue
Wikileaks has been under DDoS attack for the last three days | ZDNet
Evangelion comes to Android: hands-on with Sharp's NERV edition SH-06D | The Verge
Comcast suspends 250GB data cap—for now | Ars Technica
Borderlands 2 Pre-Order
Gearboxity - Gearbox Borderlands 2 Cover Art and Special Editions revealed
Stop the madness: Media manipulation has sent us into Facebook IPO overload
Research: 44% of Facebook users will ‘never’ click sponsored ads
Two New Images From The Next Series Of Red Dwarf, Direct From The Editing Chair
How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People | Belief | AlterNet
Dish Network's new DVR erases commercials entirely, and the TV industry is not happy about that.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Sugar can make you dumb, US scientists warn
Sugar Babies: The Rise of 'Adult Onset' Diabetes in Children
Breasts: Bigger And More Vulnerable To Toxins : NPR
Chemicals in environment 'damaging male fertility'
Men & WOMEN see sexy pictures of women as objects, not people
Milestone for wi-fi with 'T-rays'
Google's grand Android plan: Finally, it all makes sense - Computerworld Blogs
Should we build a real-life Starship Enterprise and fly it to Mars? -
9 Dating Websites Geared Toward Your Ridiculously Specific Tastes | Twirlit
Top 10 Films that Predicted the Future
Absolut Boycott | The Stranger
Germany united by nudity, divided by attitude
For Diablo 3 gamer Francis, Error 37 is the last straw -
Icelandic MP Moves Elves’ Boulder to His Home
Icelandic Elf School Principal Concerned for MP’s Health
Safety Not Guaranteed (2012) - Official Trailer [HD] - YouTube
Flogging Molly- Tenament Square @ State Theatre Portland, ME 5-12-2012 - YouTube
Sugar Babies: The Rise of 'Adult Onset' Diabetes in Children
Breasts: Bigger And More Vulnerable To Toxins : NPR
Chemicals in environment 'damaging male fertility'
Men & WOMEN see sexy pictures of women as objects, not people
Milestone for wi-fi with 'T-rays'
Google's grand Android plan: Finally, it all makes sense - Computerworld Blogs
Should we build a real-life Starship Enterprise and fly it to Mars? -
9 Dating Websites Geared Toward Your Ridiculously Specific Tastes | Twirlit
Top 10 Films that Predicted the Future
Absolut Boycott | The Stranger
Germany united by nudity, divided by attitude
For Diablo 3 gamer Francis, Error 37 is the last straw -
Icelandic MP Moves Elves’ Boulder to His Home
Icelandic Elf School Principal Concerned for MP’s Health
Safety Not Guaranteed (2012) - Official Trailer [HD] - YouTube
Flogging Molly- Tenament Square @ State Theatre Portland, ME 5-12-2012 - YouTube
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Our real first gay president - American History - Salon
China threat: Govt reviews security of Dalai Lama - Hindustan Times
China dismisses Dalai Lama murder plot claim
China suffers from "moral crisis", Dalai Lama says
UK defends Cameron-Dalai Lama meeting
Google's Goggles Will Be Less Creepy and Awesome than Anticipated
Google+ is a ghost town, study says
Poll: Half of Americans call Facebook a fad
Mitt Romney's 1981 arrest and 4 other times he lost his cool - The Week
Video of the Day: Everything Mitt Romney Likes, Autotuned
What minimum wage buys, then and now - Your Money - MSN Money
Amazon aims to launch front-lit Kindle in July: source | Reuters
Apple HDTV would lure about 1 in 2 iPhone owners, survey says
Activision pays out $42m to former Modern Warfare devs • News •
Vote By Republican Rep with Gay Son Kills Colorado's Civil Union Bill
Five CEOs Who Should Have Already Been Fired (Cisco, GE, WalMart, Sears, Microsoft) -
Apple iPad mini to use new ultra-thin touch technology
Prepaid "Steam Wallet" cards now available at GameStop
Diablo 3: hardcore difficulty, replayability and post-launch plans • Articles •
Female sex organs the focus of oldest cave art - MSNBC
The Russian soldier in the center of Moscow - YouTube
China threat: Govt reviews security of Dalai Lama - Hindustan Times
China dismisses Dalai Lama murder plot claim
China suffers from "moral crisis", Dalai Lama says
UK defends Cameron-Dalai Lama meeting
Google's Goggles Will Be Less Creepy and Awesome than Anticipated
Google+ is a ghost town, study says
Poll: Half of Americans call Facebook a fad
Mitt Romney's 1981 arrest and 4 other times he lost his cool - The Week
Video of the Day: Everything Mitt Romney Likes, Autotuned
What minimum wage buys, then and now - Your Money - MSN Money
Amazon aims to launch front-lit Kindle in July: source | Reuters
Apple HDTV would lure about 1 in 2 iPhone owners, survey says
Activision pays out $42m to former Modern Warfare devs • News •
Vote By Republican Rep with Gay Son Kills Colorado's Civil Union Bill
Five CEOs Who Should Have Already Been Fired (Cisco, GE, WalMart, Sears, Microsoft) -
Apple iPad mini to use new ultra-thin touch technology
Prepaid "Steam Wallet" cards now available at GameStop
Diablo 3: hardcore difficulty, replayability and post-launch plans • Articles •
Female sex organs the focus of oldest cave art - MSNBC
The Russian soldier in the center of Moscow - YouTube
Monday, May 14, 2012
BBC News - Video game sales drop sharply in US
Secret rogue planet may be hiding behind Neptune
Court Rules NSA Doesn't Have To Reveal Its Semi-Secret Relationship With Google - Forbes
Why Facebook may soon cost you money - CNET News
Optoelectronics: Graphene shows its colours | The Economist
Kodak Had a Secret Nuclear Reactor Loaded With Weapons-Grade Uranium Hidden In a Basement
Congress could kill rocket builders' new space race
EA kills free Battlefield 3 servers, pushes paid ones -Destructoid
New BF3 DLC, Content Service, and Double XP Weekend | BATTLEFIELDO
Doctor Who dated on PS3 and Vita | Games industry news | MCV
Starhawk Scrapes Into UK Charts At Number 17
Starhawk Review - PlayStation 3 Review at IGN
Starhawk Critic Reviews for PlayStation 3 at Metacritic
How Pixar almost lost Toy Story 2 to a bad backup - Boing Boing :: The Internet's Mall
Chat-Art Send us a screen shot of your chat and if we like you, we'll make it art.
Computer Part Selection For DIY PC Builders - PCPartPicker
r/GirlsWithBikes [NSFW]
r/HereInMyCar [NSFW]
r/HotInTheKitchen [NSFW]
r/gentlemanboners [NSFW]
/r/curvy [NSFW]
Boardgamereview - YouTube
World of Warcraft TCG Tutorial Game Play - YouTube
Eighty Saki-bomb Dominoes - YouTube
Invention - EVElopedia
Tech Level II production - EVElopedia
Secret rogue planet may be hiding behind Neptune
Court Rules NSA Doesn't Have To Reveal Its Semi-Secret Relationship With Google - Forbes
Why Facebook may soon cost you money - CNET News
Optoelectronics: Graphene shows its colours | The Economist
Kodak Had a Secret Nuclear Reactor Loaded With Weapons-Grade Uranium Hidden In a Basement
Congress could kill rocket builders' new space race
EA kills free Battlefield 3 servers, pushes paid ones -Destructoid
New BF3 DLC, Content Service, and Double XP Weekend | BATTLEFIELDO
Doctor Who dated on PS3 and Vita | Games industry news | MCV
Starhawk Scrapes Into UK Charts At Number 17
Starhawk Review - PlayStation 3 Review at IGN
Starhawk Critic Reviews for PlayStation 3 at Metacritic
How Pixar almost lost Toy Story 2 to a bad backup - Boing Boing :: The Internet's Mall
Chat-Art Send us a screen shot of your chat and if we like you, we'll make it art.
Computer Part Selection For DIY PC Builders - PCPartPicker
r/GirlsWithBikes [NSFW]
r/HereInMyCar [NSFW]
r/HotInTheKitchen [NSFW]
r/gentlemanboners [NSFW]
/r/curvy [NSFW]
Boardgamereview - YouTube
World of Warcraft TCG Tutorial Game Play - YouTube
Eighty Saki-bomb Dominoes - YouTube
Invention - EVElopedia
Tech Level II production - EVElopedia
Friday, May 11, 2012
Common household chemicals 'causing cancer and reduced fertility'
How Chemicals Change Us - NYTimes
Teenage organ donor saves eight lives
Chinese media warns of war with Philippines
Reality Check: Why all RNC delegates are 'Free Agents'
Bullying Story Sidetracks Romney's Campaign - ABC News
Mitt Romney's Mexican Roots; His Father Was Born In Mexico, Could Choose Dual Citizenship
BBC News - Why was the US military teaching 'total war' on Islam?
Sony posts record high $5.7 billion annual loss, worst in company history
Google concludes that search results are protected by First Amendment
The Netherlands becomes first in Europe to pass net neutrality law
Boasting on Facebook 'feels as good as sex'
Facebook IPO Said to Get Weaker-Than-Forecast Demand - Bloomberg
Facebook Co-Founder Saverin Gives Up U.S. Citizenship Before IPO - Bloomberg
EA kills free Battlefield 3 servers, pushes paid ones -Destructoid
Official DICE servers disappear from Battlefield 3 | VentureBeat
Borderlands 2: Siren and Gunzerker gameplay
The Evolution of 'Star Trek'(Infographic) -
Police: Students use phone to video under teacher's dress
Radioactive man? Milford resident pulled over by state police - NewsTimes
Third Man Comes Forward To Accuse John Travolta Of Sexual Harassment
How Chemicals Change Us - NYTimes
Teenage organ donor saves eight lives
Chinese media warns of war with Philippines
Reality Check: Why all RNC delegates are 'Free Agents'
Bullying Story Sidetracks Romney's Campaign - ABC News
Mitt Romney's Mexican Roots; His Father Was Born In Mexico, Could Choose Dual Citizenship
BBC News - Why was the US military teaching 'total war' on Islam?
Sony posts record high $5.7 billion annual loss, worst in company history
Google concludes that search results are protected by First Amendment
The Netherlands becomes first in Europe to pass net neutrality law
Boasting on Facebook 'feels as good as sex'
Facebook IPO Said to Get Weaker-Than-Forecast Demand - Bloomberg
Facebook Co-Founder Saverin Gives Up U.S. Citizenship Before IPO - Bloomberg
EA kills free Battlefield 3 servers, pushes paid ones -Destructoid
Official DICE servers disappear from Battlefield 3 | VentureBeat
Borderlands 2: Siren and Gunzerker gameplay
The Evolution of 'Star Trek'(Infographic) -
Police: Students use phone to video under teacher's dress
Radioactive man? Milford resident pulled over by state police - NewsTimes
Third Man Comes Forward To Accuse John Travolta Of Sexual Harassment
Thursday, May 10, 2012
How Mitt Romney Bullied a Gay Student at Cranbrook : The New Yorker
Mitt Romney’s prep school classmates recall pranks, but also troubling incidents
Romney's life took a turn in France - The New York Times (November 14, 2007)
Mitt Romney's life as a poor Mormon missionary in France questioned
PlayStation Division Loses $2.8 Billion
Angry Birds hits 1 billion downloads
Wolfenstein 3D free browser version marks 20th - Shacknews
Pastures New: ‘Terraria’ Is Coming To Android
Mozilla says Microsoft won’t allow rival browsers on ARM Windows desktop | Ars Technica
Republican Congressman: Gay marriage opposition ‘not a comfortable place to be’ for GOP in the long run
GCHQ's spy death riddle shines light on UK hacker war • The Register
Free-floating planets in the Milky Way outnumber stars by factors of thousands
Crashed plane of Second World War pilot Dennis Copping discovered in the Sahara desert
USA Today Warns You to Beware of the Kinky Sex Revolution
'Fifty Shades' of a kinky sex revolution? Maybe not – USATODAY
Mitt Romney’s prep school classmates recall pranks, but also troubling incidents
Romney's life took a turn in France - The New York Times (November 14, 2007)
Mitt Romney's life as a poor Mormon missionary in France questioned
PlayStation Division Loses $2.8 Billion
Angry Birds hits 1 billion downloads
Wolfenstein 3D free browser version marks 20th - Shacknews
Pastures New: ‘Terraria’ Is Coming To Android
Mozilla says Microsoft won’t allow rival browsers on ARM Windows desktop | Ars Technica
Republican Congressman: Gay marriage opposition ‘not a comfortable place to be’ for GOP in the long run
GCHQ's spy death riddle shines light on UK hacker war • The Register
Free-floating planets in the Milky Way outnumber stars by factors of thousands
Crashed plane of Second World War pilot Dennis Copping discovered in the Sahara desert
USA Today Warns You to Beware of the Kinky Sex Revolution
'Fifty Shades' of a kinky sex revolution? Maybe not – USATODAY
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Mice That Eat Yogurt Have Larger Testicles: Scientific American
BBC News - Mystery of horse taming 'solved' by gene study
Republican plan boosts Pentagon, cuts social programs - CBS News
Republicans would also eliminate Social Services Block Grants, a $1.7 billion a year program that gives states money for Meals on Wheels, day care, adoption assistance, and transportation help for the elderly and disabled.
Wife in Texas saw bullet hole in wall after soldier in Afghanistan collapsed during Skype talk
Mt. Rushmore land should be returned to Native American tribes, UN official says
Biden comments on same-sex marriage expose internal White House divisions
North Carolina Pastor, Suggests Gays Should Be Prosecuted Like They Were Historically
First-grader sings LMFAO song, suspended for sexual harassment
Ephemeral Portraits Cut from Layers of Wire Mesh by Seung Mo Park | Colossal
Tumblr Sued for $5 Million Over ‘Pirating’ Users and Employees
Tenacious D's "Rize of the Fenix" music video hits the interwebs with a bang Rize Of The Fenix (Vinyl LP): Tenacious D: Music
Interviewing Kevin Smith... On Acid! | VICE
I am theKevin Smith. Ask Me Anything. : IAmA
JAY & SILENT BOB GET OLD: Kevin Smith & Jason Mewes see THE AVENGERS
Volkswagen People's car project, Hover Car, the flying two-seater - YouTube
John Travolta Sued By Masseur For Assault And Sexual Battery
BBC News - Mystery of horse taming 'solved' by gene study
Republican plan boosts Pentagon, cuts social programs - CBS News
Republicans would also eliminate Social Services Block Grants, a $1.7 billion a year program that gives states money for Meals on Wheels, day care, adoption assistance, and transportation help for the elderly and disabled.
Wife in Texas saw bullet hole in wall after soldier in Afghanistan collapsed during Skype talk
Mt. Rushmore land should be returned to Native American tribes, UN official says
Biden comments on same-sex marriage expose internal White House divisions
North Carolina Pastor, Suggests Gays Should Be Prosecuted Like They Were Historically
First-grader sings LMFAO song, suspended for sexual harassment
Ephemeral Portraits Cut from Layers of Wire Mesh by Seung Mo Park | Colossal
Tumblr Sued for $5 Million Over ‘Pirating’ Users and Employees
Tenacious D's "Rize of the Fenix" music video hits the interwebs with a bang Rize Of The Fenix (Vinyl LP): Tenacious D: Music
Interviewing Kevin Smith... On Acid! | VICE
I am theKevin Smith. Ask Me Anything. : IAmA
JAY & SILENT BOB GET OLD: Kevin Smith & Jason Mewes see THE AVENGERS
Volkswagen People's car project, Hover Car, the flying two-seater - YouTube
John Travolta Sued By Masseur For Assault And Sexual Battery
Monday, May 07, 2012
Worried about online porn? Don't regulate the net – regulate your kids | guardian
Microsoft officially launches $99 Xbox 360 with two-year contract | The Verge
Dino Farts Likely Caused Mesozoic Climate Change, Say Dino Fart Scientists
A Ban on Kissing? The Right-Wing Sexual Fears in New Abstinence Bills
Starhawk Review - PlayStation 3 Review at IGN
Why Instagram Is Terrible for Photographers, and Why You Should Use It |
World News - 400 protesters arrested hours before Vladimir Putin's return to Russian presidency
06.05.2012 Марш миллионов. Москва. Беспорядки. - YouTube
NASA, ESA confirm hacks; The Unknowns says systems patched | ZDNet
Just Friends? Guys Reveal Sexual Interest in Gal Pals | LiveScience
Facebook Photo Sinks Man Who Stole Police Gas | The Smoking Gun
Bond set at $105k for woman accused of hiding pot in privates
Cops: Bullet casing falls out of suspect's rear end during search
'Wired To Run': Runner's High May Have Been Evolutionary Advantage : NPR
How to Muddy Your Tracks on the Internet -
Miyamoto: Vita needs games - Edge Magazine
Discovery Channel purchases Revision3 for 'roughly $30 million' | The Verge
Google Invests In Machinima YouTube Gamer Channel - Peter Kafka - Media - AllThingsD
The Mother's Prayer for its Daughter on Vimeo
CCP unapologetic over “pissed off” EVE Online players | VG247
Eve Online: the controversy, the economy and the coming Inferno
Funny IKEA Commercial - YouTube
Microsoft officially launches $99 Xbox 360 with two-year contract | The Verge
Dino Farts Likely Caused Mesozoic Climate Change, Say Dino Fart Scientists
A Ban on Kissing? The Right-Wing Sexual Fears in New Abstinence Bills
Starhawk Review - PlayStation 3 Review at IGN
Why Instagram Is Terrible for Photographers, and Why You Should Use It |
World News - 400 protesters arrested hours before Vladimir Putin's return to Russian presidency
06.05.2012 Марш миллионов. Москва. Беспорядки. - YouTube
NASA, ESA confirm hacks; The Unknowns says systems patched | ZDNet
Just Friends? Guys Reveal Sexual Interest in Gal Pals | LiveScience
Facebook Photo Sinks Man Who Stole Police Gas | The Smoking Gun
Bond set at $105k for woman accused of hiding pot in privates
Cops: Bullet casing falls out of suspect's rear end during search
'Wired To Run': Runner's High May Have Been Evolutionary Advantage : NPR
How to Muddy Your Tracks on the Internet -
Miyamoto: Vita needs games - Edge Magazine
Discovery Channel purchases Revision3 for 'roughly $30 million' | The Verge
Google Invests In Machinima YouTube Gamer Channel - Peter Kafka - Media - AllThingsD
The Mother's Prayer for its Daughter on Vimeo
CCP unapologetic over “pissed off” EVE Online players | VG247
Eve Online: the controversy, the economy and the coming Inferno
Funny IKEA Commercial - YouTube
Friday, May 04, 2012
Losing Your Religion? Analytic Thinking Weakens Religious Belief
Geek Pride Day - Wikipedia
New iPhone rumors: 20% thinner with 4-inch screen and Gorilla Glass 2
Is Microsoft Already Manufacturing the Next Xbox? - IGN
Drifter: A Space Trading Game by Celsius Game Studios — Kickstarter
Here's what happens when glamour modelling goes wrong... | Mail Online
DHS Admits Knowledge of Infected Import Tech - Slashdot
Raspberry Pi Review & Initial How-To Setup Guide - TechSpot
New Zealand women were the most promiscuous in the world
The Dictator imparts his wisdom - YouTube
Shit London | Urban decay at its finest
TunnelBear Homepage
Stephen King: Tax Me, for F@%&’s Sake! - The Daily Beast
Krofft's Bigfoot & Wildboy # 1 - YouTube
Hulk 1990's Cartoon Series - #15A - YouTube
AdzFlickz - YouTube
Tuttefrut76 - YouTube
Geek Pride Day - Wikipedia
New iPhone rumors: 20% thinner with 4-inch screen and Gorilla Glass 2
Is Microsoft Already Manufacturing the Next Xbox? - IGN
Drifter: A Space Trading Game by Celsius Game Studios — Kickstarter
Here's what happens when glamour modelling goes wrong... | Mail Online
DHS Admits Knowledge of Infected Import Tech - Slashdot
Raspberry Pi Review & Initial How-To Setup Guide - TechSpot
New Zealand women were the most promiscuous in the world
The Dictator imparts his wisdom - YouTube
Shit London | Urban decay at its finest
TunnelBear Homepage
Stephen King: Tax Me, for F@%&’s Sake! - The Daily Beast
Krofft's Bigfoot & Wildboy # 1 - YouTube
Hulk 1990's Cartoon Series - #15A - YouTube
AdzFlickz - YouTube
Tuttefrut76 - YouTube
Thursday, May 03, 2012
Russia warns on missile defence deal with Nato and US
Water Guns Banned, Handguns Allowed at GOP Convention
Rick Scott allows guns at GOP convention to ‘protect’ citizens from ‘protests’
“The absurdity of banning squirt guns but not being able to do anything about real guns is patently obvious,” Buckhorn explained.
EA 'destroying' gaming, says Minecraft creator -
Red 5 Studios CEO denounces consoles and publishers | Massively
MechWarrior Online reveals the first in-game screens of the Catapult
My newly constructed battlemech cockpit! - MechWarrior Online
Biggest Tech Failures of The Last 10+ Years - TechSpot Guides
Religious websites riskier than porn for online viruses: study
1859's "Great Auroral Storm"—the week the Sun touched the earth
Samsung unveils Galaxy S III phone with quad-core, Android ICS
Drunk guy sings entire “Bohemian Rhapsody” in the back of a police car
The killing agency: Wildlife Services' brutal methods leave a trail of animal death
The Akira Bike of Your Dreams Is Racing Across Japan
BBC News - Jason Statham: Billion dollar man
US alcohol retailers find law changes hard to swallow
NC Pastor Who Told Congregants to Punch Their Effeminate Children Claims It's What Jesus Would Have Said
Spicy Tapatio Pasta
NYC Municipal Archives
Astro Defenders & the Goose - Cyclone of the Stars - YouTube
Jackin Off in Traffic - YouTube
Stupid Hoe, Legalize Gay. - YouTube
Lion tries to eat baby PART 1. - YouTube
TymetheInfamous - YouTube
Water Guns Banned, Handguns Allowed at GOP Convention
Rick Scott allows guns at GOP convention to ‘protect’ citizens from ‘protests’
“The absurdity of banning squirt guns but not being able to do anything about real guns is patently obvious,” Buckhorn explained.
EA 'destroying' gaming, says Minecraft creator -
Red 5 Studios CEO denounces consoles and publishers | Massively
MechWarrior Online reveals the first in-game screens of the Catapult
My newly constructed battlemech cockpit! - MechWarrior Online
Biggest Tech Failures of The Last 10+ Years - TechSpot Guides
Religious websites riskier than porn for online viruses: study
1859's "Great Auroral Storm"—the week the Sun touched the earth
Samsung unveils Galaxy S III phone with quad-core, Android ICS
Drunk guy sings entire “Bohemian Rhapsody” in the back of a police car
The killing agency: Wildlife Services' brutal methods leave a trail of animal death
The Akira Bike of Your Dreams Is Racing Across Japan
BBC News - Jason Statham: Billion dollar man
US alcohol retailers find law changes hard to swallow
NC Pastor Who Told Congregants to Punch Their Effeminate Children Claims It's What Jesus Would Have Said
Spicy Tapatio Pasta
NYC Municipal Archives
Astro Defenders & the Goose - Cyclone of the Stars - YouTube
Jackin Off in Traffic - YouTube
Stupid Hoe, Legalize Gay. - YouTube
Lion tries to eat baby PART 1. - YouTube
TymetheInfamous - YouTube
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
22 Percent of Americans Think Know the World Will End in Their Lifetime
Top Romney aide quits in face of anti-gay sentiment -
Gay Romney aide steps down, citing backlash over sexuality - The Washington Post
'Arrested Development': Netflix to release all 10 episodes at once | Inside TV |
EVE Online celebrating 9th birthday with play - Shacknews
Straight Man Says Best Buy Employee Outed Him On Facebook During Phone Servicing
Amazon seeks comedies and kids shows to rival Netflix
Rumor alert: A $99 Xbox 360 with $15-a-month subscription
PlayStation Plus: Free COD Elite and New Releases? - PS3 News at IGN
Mei Space
Beethoven performed with ASS - YouTube [NSFW]

Bohemian Rhapsody On The Way To School - YouTube
Top Romney aide quits in face of anti-gay sentiment -
Gay Romney aide steps down, citing backlash over sexuality - The Washington Post
'Arrested Development': Netflix to release all 10 episodes at once | Inside TV |
EVE Online celebrating 9th birthday with play - Shacknews
Straight Man Says Best Buy Employee Outed Him On Facebook During Phone Servicing
Amazon seeks comedies and kids shows to rival Netflix
Rumor alert: A $99 Xbox 360 with $15-a-month subscription
PlayStation Plus: Free COD Elite and New Releases? - PS3 News at IGN
Mei Space
Beethoven performed with ASS - YouTube [NSFW]
Bohemian Rhapsody On The Way To School - YouTube
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
Sun may soon have four poles, say researchers
Talk:Nerd/GEEK - Wikipedia
Richard Schiffman: Guess What Drugs and Illegal Substances Are Showing Up in Chicken?
Arsenic in Our Chicken? -
Ben Franklin would say our online liberty is the same as liberty itself
Law Professor: Megaupload Prosecution A 'Depressing Display Of Abuse Of Government Authority'
Apple to crush carriers, become direct service provider
Top 5 Things that Cause Brain Farts
Boy, 11, urinates on $36K worth of Apple MacBooks
I'm leaving the internet for a year | The Verge
FBI Fliers Reveal Profile Of A Perfect Terrorist (They Pay For Coffee With Cash, Apparently)
Wis. Mother and Son Killed in Different Auto Accidents - ABC News
Angry Birds Space racks up 50 million downloads
Meteorites found in California along path of weekend fireball
Talk:Nerd/GEEK - Wikipedia
Richard Schiffman: Guess What Drugs and Illegal Substances Are Showing Up in Chicken?
Arsenic in Our Chicken? -
Ben Franklin would say our online liberty is the same as liberty itself
Law Professor: Megaupload Prosecution A 'Depressing Display Of Abuse Of Government Authority'
Apple to crush carriers, become direct service provider
Top 5 Things that Cause Brain Farts
Boy, 11, urinates on $36K worth of Apple MacBooks
I'm leaving the internet for a year | The Verge
FBI Fliers Reveal Profile Of A Perfect Terrorist (They Pay For Coffee With Cash, Apparently)
Wis. Mother and Son Killed in Different Auto Accidents - ABC News
Angry Birds Space racks up 50 million downloads
Meteorites found in California along path of weekend fireball
How Apple dodges billions in taxes: A concise guide
The Death Of Facts In An Age Of 'Truthiness' : NPR
BBC News - Web War II: What a future cyberwar will look like
Mobile Phone Use During Pregnancy Could Cause ADHD In Children, Warn Experts
When Did Video Game Characters Start Looking This Damn Good?
The PSN hack: one year on • News •
The Most Embarrassing Star Wars Official Merchandise This Side of Hoth
Review: Guinness Black Lager -
Diary of a Sex Clown: Life Lessons from a Clown Fetishist [NSFW?]
Basket Heads
the Basket-Head Monks
Surreal Photos/Photoshops
70 [NSFW] Tatooos
[NSFW] Female Bodybuilder
OMONA THEY DIDN'T! Endless charms, endless possibilities
The Death Of Facts In An Age Of 'Truthiness' : NPR
BBC News - Web War II: What a future cyberwar will look like
Mobile Phone Use During Pregnancy Could Cause ADHD In Children, Warn Experts
When Did Video Game Characters Start Looking This Damn Good?
The PSN hack: one year on • News •
The Most Embarrassing Star Wars Official Merchandise This Side of Hoth
Review: Guinness Black Lager -
Diary of a Sex Clown: Life Lessons from a Clown Fetishist [NSFW?]
Basket Heads
the Basket-Head Monks
Surreal Photos/Photoshops
70 [NSFW] Tatooos
[NSFW] Female Bodybuilder
OMONA THEY DIDN'T! Endless charms, endless possibilities
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