Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Communist Central - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 05/29/12
Communist Central - Obama's Socialist Scheme - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 05/29/12

Defense Industry Campaign Contributions Create Incentive For ‘Pentagon Pork’
Senate panel backs $631 billion in defense spending | Reuters

US defense budget debate touches on Afghanistan, NASCAR
The department spent about $96 million last year to sponsor sporting events, including $20 million on a single NASCAR auto race, as part of its marketing effort to recruit volunteers, one official said.

Republicans Move to Cut Military's Alternative Fuels - Businessweek

How Facebook's Timeline is like genital herpes
Facebook’s Zuckerberg drops off top billionaires list
Facebook co-founder  "I don't like showing my private life online"

Kim Dotcom wins right to FBI files

Mitt Romney's iPhone app spells 'America' incorrectly - CNET

Israel hints it may be behind 'Flame' super-virus targeting Iran

New ‘Digital Divide’ Seen in Wasting Time Online - NYTimes

Sony reveals Battlefield 3 Premium release date, price - Eurogamer
TSA Employee Stole $50k Worth of Electronics - Slashdot

Police identified Rudy Eugene, 31, as the "zombie" killer.

Aspirin: The New Anti-Cancer Wonder Drug? - Forbes
Calcium supplements may raise heart attack risk

Reddit - Some general tips from an A4-Inferno player regarding gear. : Diablo
Reddit - 45 (and Growing) Tips and Tricks for D3. Come Look and Help the List Grow! : Diablo
Reddit - Let's discuss good level 60 farming strategies! : Diablo

Chunky - Minecraft Raytracing

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